No story is a complete story; it is some signs and signals, and everyone completes the story by virtue of their tastes , capacities (ظرف) and conscience and, in doing so fiction is created not reality.
Sufi Brothers
This quote is suggesting that a story is never truly complete, as it is only a collection of signs and signals that are open to interpretation. The meaning and significance of the story is shaped by the reader’s own taste, capacity, and conscience.
This quote is emphasizing that the reader is an active participant in the creation of fiction and that the meaning of a story is shaped by the reader’s own perspective and understanding. The story is not fixed or definite, but rather it is open to different interpretations.
The quote is also suggesting that the act of interpretation and completing the story, the reader is creating fiction. Fiction is not a fixed or definite thing, but rather it is shaped by the reader’s own perspective and understanding.
In summary, the quote is suggesting that a story is never truly complete, as it is only a collection of signs and signals that are open to interpretation. The meaning and significance of the story is shaped by the reader’s own taste, capacity, and conscience. And the act of interpretation and completing the story, the reader is creating fiction. Fiction is not a fixed or definite thing, but rather it is shaped by the reader’s own perspective and understanding
The Story Of Human Nature
The question about human nature has reverberated since eons, though imperfect we are. Which aspect our nature is dominant- kind, sensible, compassionate and altruistic, or wicked, malicious, egoist and egotist- in perspective of innate and acquired wiring of the brain?
Human nature is a complex and multi-faceted concept that has been debated over by philosophers, scientists, and scholars for centuries. While some argue that humans are inherently selfish and driven by self-interest, others are of the view that we are inherently compassionate and driven by altruism. Some experts suggest that our innate biology plays a role in shaping our behavior, while others argue that our environment and experiences shape our behavior. Ultimately, it is likely that both innate and acquired factors play a role in shaping human nature. Nature or nurture is an ongoing debate and a very complex reality of our being.

*Bad news on Human Nature from the perspective of psychology. *
1-Dehumanization is in our nature and have roots in our evolutionary tool for survival; egoism, egotism, and tribalism are the tools to view other humans as less human.
2-We experience Schadenfreude(others’ suffering for our pleasure) at the age of four.
3-We are prejudiced and dogmatic- the roots are in evolutionary edge for our survival in stone age or in the jungle life.
It is a closed-minded phenomenon in that we view our beliefs, opinions, decisions, and worldviews as superior to others. Biases, social and cognitive prejudices, and heuristics other than beliefs are integrated into our thought process very profoundly at subconscious levels and are not easy to eradicate; this is our default autopilot mode.
4- We are ignorant of our ignorance, which is terrible, and even proud of our ignorance, which is the condition of evil.
5-We are moral hypocrites.
The people who are quicker and louder critics of others’ moral shortfalls may often themselves be guilty of taking their transgressions lightly.
6- We are all potentially a troll.
We have an inclination to appreciate psychopathic traits of a leader- Donald Trump is an obvious example, overagression and insultings by him have a primal appeal. We live alpha characteristics to mask or camouflage our weakness
7- We are sexually attracted to having dark personality traits
8-We all wear a social mask and we keep changing that mask according to time and situation.
We are actors, and done different roles, like fathers, husbands, sons and daughters, friends, enemies, businessmen, subordinates and so many others by wearing different veils to do different roles in different situations.
9- We are vain and overconfident.
Ironically, the least skilled among us are the most prone to overconfidence, such as in how principled and fair we think we are. In fact, even jailed criminals think they are kinder, more trustworthy and honest than the average member of the public.
10 -We believe in karma – assuming that the downtrodden of the world deserve
their fate.
We think that Nature is ethical and moral, whosoever does bad deeds, Nature will punish them. This, instead of being sympathetic and compassionate, mostly we blame the victim that they are responsible for their suffering due to their karma. In doing this, we try to escape from our responsibility and don’t want to invest energy to dig deeper to find out the root cause.
11- We would rather electrocute ourselves than live in peaceful contemplation.There are many more antagonistic characteristics than mentioned here.
This is the one dark side of our nature. But, at the same time, we have a very bright side of our nature. We humans are very social beings who live in families, in tribes and societies. Humans are fundamental building blocks of societies, nations, and countries.
These are the some of the outstanding aspects of our brighter side.

1-Empathy: the ability to understand and share the feelings of another person.
2- Compassion: the feeling of caring and concern for others, often accompanied by a desire to help.
3- Altruism: the selfless concern for the well-being of others.
4- Kindness: the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.
5- Generosity: the habit of giving freely without expecting anything in return.
6- Honesty: the quality of being truthful and fair.
7- Integrity: the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness.
8- Loyalty: the quality of being faithful to a person, group, or cause.
9- Patience: the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset.
10- Forgiveness: the act of pardoning an offender. It’s the ability to let go of anger, resentment, and the desire for revenge.
There are much more negative and positive aspects of the Nature of our nature

What is the dominant viewpoint, in detail It is difficult to say which viewpoint is dominant when it comes to the question of human nature, as different experts and disciplines have different perspectives on this issue.
One viewpoint that has been widely discussed is the idea that humans are inherently selfish and driven by self-interest. This viewpoint is often associated with evolutionary biology and the concept of “survival of the fittest,” which suggests that individuals who are able to compete and succeed in their environment are more likely to survive and pass on their genes. From this perspective, it is argued that behaviors such as aggression, competition, and selfishness are adaptive and have helped humans to survive and thrive as a species.
Another viewpoint is that humans are inherently compassionate and driven by altruism. This viewpoint is often associated with fields such as sociology, psychology, and philosophy. From this perspective, it is argued that behaviors such as cooperation, empathy, and compassion are innate and essential to human survival and well-being. Researchers in these fields have found that humans are capable of showing altruism and compassion towards others, and that this behavior is beneficial for both the individual and the group.
Some experts suggest that human nature is a complex combination of both innate and acquired traits, and that our behavior is shaped by a combination of biology and environment. Some argue that our genes provide us with certain tendencies and potentials, but that these tendencies can be modified and influenced by the environment, experiences, and culture.
In summary, different viewpoints on human nature exist, and depending on the discipline, perspective, and the experts the dominant viewpoint varies. There is no single dominant viewpoint, but rather a variety of perspectives that offer different insights into the complexity of human nature.

Why we view minorities and vulnerable less than human The phenomenon of viewing minorities and vulnerable groups as less than human is known as “dehumanization.” Dehumanization is a complex and multi-faceted phenomenon that can occur for a variety of reasons.
One reason why dehumanization occurs is due to prejudice and discrimination. When individuals or groups hold negative attitudes or beliefs towards a minority or vulnerable group, they may begin to view them as inferior or less worthy of respect and dignity. This can lead to dehumanizing attitudes and behaviors, such as discrimination, violence, and abuse.
Another reason why dehumanization occurs is due to a lack of familiarity or contact with the minority or vulnerable group. When individuals or groups have little or no interaction with a minority or vulnerable group, they may begin to view them as “other” or “different,” which can lead to dehumanizing attitudes and behaviors.
Dehumanization can also occur as a result of societal or cultural factors. Societal structures and ideologies that promote inequality and discrimination can contribute to the dehumanization of certain groups of people. In addition, certain cultural narratives or stereotypes can also contribute to dehumanization.
Dehumanization is a serious issue that can have severe consequences for minority and vulnerable groups. It can lead to discrimination, violence, and abuse, as well as contribute to the perpetuation of inequality and injustice. Recognizing and challenging dehumanizing attitudes and behaviors is crucial for promoting equality, respect, and dignity for all people.

How can we fix the darker aspect of human natur Fixing the darker aspects of human nature is a complex and ongoing process that requires a multifaceted approach. Some ways to address the darker aspects of human nature include:
1– Education and awareness: By educating individuals about the negative consequences of dehumanization and discrimination, and raising awareness about the impact of prejudice and bias, we can work towards changing attitudes and behaviors.
2- Promoting empathy and understanding: Encouraging individuals to understand and empathize with the perspectives and experiences of minority and vulnerable groups can help to reduce dehumanizing attitudes and behaviors.
3- Addressing societal and cultural factors: Addressing societal and cultural factors that contribute to dehumanization, such as inequality and discrimination, can help to create a more inclusive and equitable society.
4- Encourage self-reflection: Encourage self-reflection and self-awareness, this can help individuals to recognize and challenge their own biases and prejudices and to actively work towards changing their attitudes and behaviors.
5- Encourage collective action: Encourage collective action to address dehumanization and discrimination. Collaborating with other individuals and groups to challenge dehumanizing attitudes and behaviors, and to promote equality and respect for all people.
6- Encourage positive representation: Encourage positive representation of minority and vulnerable groups in media, education, and other areas of society, in order to promote understanding, empathy, and respect.
It’s important to note that these are not easy or simple solutions, and changing the darker aspects of human nature is a long-term and ongoing process that requires the participation and commitment of individuals, communities, and society as a whole.

Is it possible to eradicate darker side by updating human genome, by intervening biotechnologies It is unlikely that updating the human genome or using biotechnologies could completely eradicate the darker aspects of human nature. While certain genetic factors may play a role in shaping human behavior, it is important to remember that human behavior is also heavily influenced by environmental factors, such as culture, education, and experiences. Additionally, the darker aspects of human nature, such as prejudice and discrimination, are often the result of societal and cultural factors, rather than solely genetic factors.
Additionally, the idea of “updating” the human genome raises a number of ethical concerns. The concept of genetic engineering, especially when it comes to human beings, is a highly controversial topic and raises questions about who gets to decide which traits are desirable and which are not, as well as the potential consequences of such actions.
It’s also important to note that the concept of “darker side” or “negative traits” of human nature is a relative term and can vary in different cultures, societies, and time periods.
While it may be possible to use biotechnology to address certain specific genetic conditions or diseases, it is unlikely that such interventions could completely eradicate the darker aspects of human nature. Ultimately, addressing the darker aspects of human nature requires a multifaceted approach that addresses both genetic and environmental factors, as well as societal and cultural factors.

Can you elaborate multifaceted approach and it’s practicality? A multifaceted approach to addressing the darker aspects of human nature would involve addressing multiple factors that contribute to these negative traits, including genetic, environmental, societal, and cultural factors.
Here are a few examples of the different types of interventions that could be part of a multifaceted approach:
1- Education and awareness: By educating individuals about the negative consequences of dehumanization and discrimination, and raising awareness about the impact of prejudice and bias, we can work towards changing attitudes and behaviors. This can be done through school curriculums, workshops, and public awareness campaigns.
2- Promoting empathy and understanding: Encouraging individuals to understand and empathize with the perspectives and experiences of minority and vulnerable groups can help to reduce dehumanizing attitudes and behaviors. This can be done through intergroup dialogue programs, empathy-building exercises, and other activities that promote understanding and perspective-taking.
3- Addressing societal and cultural factors: Addressing societal and cultural factors that contribute to dehumanization, such as inequality and discrimination, can help to create a more inclusive and equitable society. This can be done through policies and legislation that promote equality and social justice, as well as through grassroots activism and community organizing.
4- Encourage self-reflection: Encourage self-reflection and self-awareness, this can help individuals to recognize and challenge their own biases and prejudices and to actively work towards changing their attitudes and behaviors. This can be done through self-reflection exercises, therapy and coaching.
5- Encourage collective action: Encourage collective action to address dehumanization and discrimination. Collaborating with other individuals and groups to challenge dehumanizing attitudes and behaviors, and to promote equality and respect for all people. This can be done through community mobilization, advocacy, and social movement building.
6- Encourage positive representation: Encourage positive representation of minority and vulnerable groups in media, education, and other areas of society, in order to promote understanding, empathy, and respect.
It’s important to note that these are just a few examples of interventions that could be part of a multifaceted approach, and that the specific interventions that are most effective will depend on the specific context and the particular darker aspect of human nature that is being addressed. Additionally, implementing these interventions would require resources and funding, and would need to be evaluated and adjusted to be effective.

Is it viable in prevailing political and economic system? It is possible to implement a multifaceted approach to addressing the darker aspects of human nature within the current political and economic system, however, it can be challenging.
One of the main challenges is that many of the interventions that would be part of a multifaceted approach, such as education and awareness campaigns, policies and legislation that promote equality and social justice, and community mobilization, require significant resources and funding. In a political and economic system that prioritizes economic growth and individual success over social welfare, it can be difficult to secure the necessary funding and support for these types of interventions.
Additionally, there may be resistance from some individuals and groups within the political and economic system to implementing interventions that challenge existing power structures and promote equality and social justice. This can make it difficult to gain support for these types of interventions and to enact change.
It’s also important to note that the political and economic system itself can contribute to the darker aspects of human nature. For example, economic inequality can lead to dehumanization and discrimination against marginalized groups, and political systems that promote individualism over collective action can make it difficult to mobilize and organize communities to address dehumanization and discrimination.
In spite of these challenges, it is still possible to make progress towards addressing the darker aspects of human nature within the current political and economic system. This can be done by building coalitions and partnerships, by developing effective advocacy and communication strategies, and by working to change the political and economic system to be more supportive of interventions that address dehumanization and discrimination.

You mean soft revolution, even though the money follow money is the main farm in a competitive society A “soft revolution” is a term that has been used to describe a gradual, peaceful, and non-violent process of change that can lead to significant social, political, and economic transformation.
It is possible to achieve a soft revolution in addressing the darker aspects of human nature, by building coalitions and partnerships, developing effective advocacy and communication strategies, and working to change the political and economic system to be more supportive of interventions that address dehumanization and discrimination.
It is true that in a competitive society, the flow of money is often driven by economic growth and individual success, which can make it challenging to secure the necessary funding and support for interventions that address dehumanization and discrimination. However, by building coalitions and partnerships, and by developing effective advocacy and communication strategies, it is possible to raise awareness and to make the case for the importance of investing in these types of interventions.
Additionally, by working to change the political and economic system to be more supportive of interventions that address dehumanization and discrimination, it is possible to create an environment that is more conducive to addressing these issues. This can be done through grassroots activism, community organizing, and through lobbying for policy changes at the local, state, and national levels.
It is important to keep in mind that the process of change is not always fast or easy, and that progress towards addressing the darker aspects of human nature will likely be incremental. However, by working together and by using a multifaceted approach, it is possible to make progress towards creating a more inclusive, equitable, and humane society.

I think science and technology have a power to make this Earth a good Earth and a batter dwelling for humanity and all kind of life if human’s good nature play a role at global Eliete level Science and technology do have the potential to make the Earth a better place for humanity and all forms of life. Scientific advances in fields such as renewable energy, biotechnology, and medicine have the potential to improve living conditions, reduce poverty and disease, and protect the environment.
However, it is important to recognize that the impact of science and technology on society is largely determined by the values and priorities of the individuals and institutions that control and use these technologies. If the global elite are motivated by selfish or destructive goals, they will use science and technology to exploit and harm others rather than to improve the well-being of humanity and the planet.
Therefore, it is crucial that the global elite and those in positions of power and influence are guided by a strong sense of moral responsibility and a commitment to creating a better world for all. This can include prioritizing the needs of marginalized and vulnerable communities, investing in research and development for technologies that promote sustainability and social justice, and advocating for policies and regulations that protect the rights and well-being of all people and the planet.
It’s also important to note that science and technology should be used not only for the benefit of humanity but also for the preservation and conservation of all forms of life. This means that the global elite should be conscious about the long term impact on the environment and biodiversity, and should strive to use science and technology in a way that is sustainable and responsible.
In conclusion, science and technology have the potential to make the Earth a better place for humanity and all forms of life, but this potential can only be realized if the global elite are guided by a strong sense of moral responsibility and a commitment to creating a better world for all.

What do you think how this “if” going to happen? There are several ways in which the “if” of global elite being motivated by moral responsibility and a commitment to creating a better world for all could be realized. One way is through education and awareness-raising, which can help to promote values such as empathy, compassion, and social responsibility among people in positions of power and influence.
Another way is through political and economic systems that promote social justice, environmental sustainability, and the well-being of marginalized and vulnerable communities. This can include policies and regulations that limit the negative impact of science and technology on society, such as laws that protect the rights and privacy of individuals and regulations that limit the negative impact of industrial activity on the environment.
Additionally, social movements and civil society organizations can play a key role in holding the global elite accountable for their actions, by advocating for policies and regulations that promote social and environmental justice, and by holding the global elite accountable for their actions.
Furthermore, having a diverse representation of people from different backgrounds and cultures in positions of power and influence, can help to ensure that the perspectives and needs of marginalized and vulnerable communities are taken into account.
Lastly, promoting transparency and accountability in decision making and governance processes, can also help to ensure that the global elite are held accountable for their actions and are motivated by moral responsibility and a commitment to creating a better world for all.
It’s important to note that the process of change is not always fast or easy, and that progress towards creating a better world will likely be incremental. However, by working together and using a multifaceted approach, it is possible to make progress towards creating a more inclusive, equitable, and humane society